About The Film
Finding Nemo is an animated children’s film made by Pixar. Released in 2003, it follows a group of sea creatures who have their own unique personalities. The main story involves a fish who tries to find his son after he is taken by a human diver. Throughout his journey the father meets several different marine species.
Sea Life In Finding Nemo
- False Percula Clownfish
Also known as clown anemonefish, this is the species that Nemo and his father both belong to. In the wild they choose anemones as their natural environment. In captivity it is still a good idea to have anemones in the tank with the clown fish. When the film came out there was a spike in sales for this species.
- Moorish Idol
Commonly found in lagoons with a tropical climate, this fish is easy to spot thanks to its body shape and striping. Their sleek disc-like appearance makes them popular with aquarium owners. However, they are notoriously difficult to keep in captive conditions. Therefore only experts should attempt to keep them.
- Yellow Tang
This marine surgeonfish lives around the islands of Hawaii. It is easily recognisable due to its all over yellow colouring. Yellow tangs are naturally herbivores. Owners of the fish should make sure that they get enough plant matter in their diet. When this does not happen their bright colouring can fade.
- Porcupine Pufferfish
The pufferfish is renowned for its ability to fill itself with enough water to make it puff up. This is in order to make itself look more intimidating in front of predators. This fish can be extremely toxic. In some cases just one pufferfish has enough toxin in it to kill two dozen fully grown adults.
- Royal Gramma
Known for their striking appearance, the royal gramma are non-aggressive fish who are hardy enough to survive well in the wild. They usually live on a diet of plankton. In aquariums they can be used as cleaner fish.
- Black and White Damselfish
In the film this fish incorrectly has blue and white colouring. In real life it actually is black and white. Their average length is 10 cm and they can be found in the Red Sea. They can exhibit territorial behaviour when exposed to other fish.